(1) Approach to the Protection of Personal Information

Kobe Steel Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Kobe Steel") and each of its group companies (Kobe Steel and such group companies are hereinafter collectively referred to as "Kobe Steel Group") recognizes that it is important to protect the personal information of all individuals who provide personal information to us, including customers and business partners (hereinafter referred to as the "Principal"), and in order to fulfill this responsibility, we will handle personal information in accordance with the following policies.

1.We, Kobe Steel Group will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other relevant laws and regulations applicable, and will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with generally accepted practices relating to the handling of personal information.In addition, we will endeavor to improve our handling of personal information as necessary.
2.We, Kobe Steel Group shall clarify the rules for the handling of personal information and ensure that all of our employees are fully informed of such rules.We will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision to a person to whom we entrust handling of personal information (hereinafter referred to as the "Trustee").
3.In handling personal information, Kobe Steel Group will specify, notify, or publicly announce the purpose of use and handle personal information according to the purpose of use.
4.In order to prevent leakage, loss, alteration, etc.of personal information, Kobe Steel Group will implement the necessary measures to appropriately manage such information.
5.We, Kobe Steel Group will accept requests from the Principal for disclosure, correction, deletion, and cessation of utilization of personal information held by us at the designated reception desks and will respond in good faith thereto.

(2) Disclosure and Provision to Third Parties

We, Kobe Steel Group will not disclose or provide personal data to any third party except for the cases in which we provide personal data to Trustees or the cases falling under any of the following.

1)Cases in which the Principal consents to the disclosure or provision.
2)Cases in which data is disclosed or provided in a manner that makes it impossible to identify the Principal, such as statistical data.
3)Cases in which it is required to disclose or provide personal data based on laws and regulations.
4)Cases in which there is a need to provide or disclose personal data to protect a human life, body, or fortune, and when it is difficult to obtain the Principal's consent thereto.
5)Cases in which there is a need to provide or disclose personal data to cooperate with central government organizations, local governments, etc.performing public affairs, and when there is a possibility that obtaining the consent of the Principal thereto would interfere with the performance of the said affairs.
6)Cases in which we share personal data with specific persons and notify the Principal of, or publicly announce, in advance the items of personal data to be shared, the scope of persons with whom we share personal data, and the person responsible for the management of purpose of use.
7)Cases in which personal data is disclosed or provided in connection with business succession.

(3) Disclosure

Upon receipt of a request from the Principle for disclosure of his/her own personal data in the possession of Kobe Steel Group, we will respond within a reasonable period and scope after confirming that the submitter of such request is actually the Principle.

(4) Correction, Deletion, etc.

Upon receipt of a request from the Principle for correction, addition, or deletion concerning his/her own personal data in the possession of Kobe Steel Group, we will make such correction, addition, or deletion concerning the data within a reasonable period and scope if any of the contents therein are not factual, after confirming that the submitter of such request is actually the Principle.

(5) Cessation of utilization and Erasure

Upon receipt of a request from the Principle for utilization cease or erasure concerning his/her own personal data in the possession of Kobe Steel Group, we will make such utilization cease or erasure concerning the data within a reasonable period and scope if any of the contents therein are not factual, after confirming that the submitter of such request is actually the Principle.Please be advised in advance that, in the event of such utilization cease or erasure of part or all of your personal information, we may not be able to continue providing services as requested by you.We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.(Please also note that requests of utilization cease or erasure concerning certain information held by us based on applicable laws and regulations may not be accepted).

(6) Others

(7) Inquiry

Any requests concerning personal information in the possession of Kobe Steel Group as set forth in Articles (3), (4), and (5) above or any other inquiries concerning the handling of the personal information should be directed to the department of individual Kobe Steel Group companies to which you provided your personal information.If you are not sure where to contact, please contact the Inquiry of Kobe Steel.